2017-01-24 禁止Android File Transfer自启动 Android File Transfer是macOS系统下用于在手机-电脑间传输文件的工具,然而,这个工具默认是每一次将手机连接至电脑,都会自动启动,非常恼人。本文介绍了如何将自启动关闭的方法。 阅读全文…
2017-01-23 Android Performance Patterns s6ep4 Themed launch screens This video identifies some pitfalls with bad ways to implement launch screens, and provides a solution that everyone can use.link 阅读全文…
2017-01-22 Android Performance Patterns s6ep3 App Launch time & Bloated Application objects This videos are really interesting but it seems to me that the last 3 episodes have been basically the same. ————摘自youtube评论link 阅读全文…
2017-01-17 Android Performance Patterns s5ep3 App Launch time & Activity creation ep1介绍了Application启动过慢的原因,本节分析Activity启动过慢的原因,启动速度标准以及工具。link 阅读全文…
2017-01-16 Android-Performance-Patterns-s6ep1-Launch-Time-Performance Season 6 ep 1,第六季集中讨论App启动速度的话题。 link 阅读全文…